The best water to drink comes from a clean natural source that is also rich in natural minerals and electrolytes. Not only is it a question of minerals and taste in premium waters, but the surrounding environment has to be free of any pollution, such as residual pesticides and fertilizers from agriculture, industrial pollution and bacterial contamination on the land surface.

Even though premium bottled water may come from a natural spring with some mineral content, on the surface it can be exposed to pollutants that require more treatment than pure artesian water. On the other hand, many bottled waters, even from major brands, are treated municipal water that lacks critical minerals and is often reprocessed water for repeated consumption. It is far better that water comes from a protected source deep underground.

The natural minerals and electrolytes contained in artesian water are the best way for the human body to absorb these molecules and ensure proper hydration. These elements can help deter many health problems.